En THE-ARE no solo diseñamos prendas
Throughout these years, we have been lucky enough to collaborate with some associations in order to be able to help other people. Every time you choose us, you are choosing to be part of something bigger, you are choosing to add to a world that needs more solidarity actions. 💫
Breast cancer affects mostly women, and it is likely that many of our colleagues, friends, mothers... feel identified. Since 2018 we collaborate with the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC) and every year. THE-ARE contributes its bit by donating 100% of the profits of the products we design for the cause. Each piece you buy becomes a symbol of support for those who fight this battle.

Mi mano en tu espalda

Everything you believe, you create

Sudaderas To.do x Ellas

No es lo mismo...
Día Nacional del Abrazo
On January 21, 2023 we celebrate Hug Day together with the residents of the Ballesol senior center in Valencia.
We set out to fill with happiness the people who need it most and to embrace them with the most valuable thing that exists: sharing time with them.
A unexpected hugwhere workers from THE-AREThe afternoon was filled with activities that we will never forget.
This experience has been, without a doubt, one of the most beautiful and moving that we have lived in the past year. THE-ARE.

Cáritas y Fundación Novaterra
The end of each season is the beginning of something new in our company. THE-ARE. Since 2022 we have been cleaning fabrics in our workshop and giving them a new life in the hands of those who need them most.
We collaborate with Caritas ProMujer, Hiedra and NovaTerra Foundation, donating fabrics to sewing workshops that offer shelter to women. These fabrics not only create garments, but opportunities to weave a better future.
Fundación Soñar Despierto
Since 2019 we are the Wise Men Anonymous of the children of the association Soñar Despierto. THE-ARE is one of the organizations that collaborate to fulfill the dreams of the little ones.
This initiative not only brings joy to the children, but also to the team of the association. THE-ARE team, it becomes one of the most special activities as we get together to wrap the presents while listening to Christmas carols.